AFSE 2017 66th Congress |
Final Program of the Parallel Sessions |
Last version with papers online |
Final Programme |
Monday, June 19th 9:30-11:10 |
Session |
A1 - Economics of Higher Education and Research |
Chairman |
Room 202 |
Examining the Returns to Investment in Science: A Case Study |
Speaker |
Mairesse Jacques (CREST, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Pezzoni Michele (University Côte d'Azur, GREDEG), Stephan Paula, Lane Julia (Wagner School New York University) |
The important thing is not to win but to participate: The case of a competitive grant race benefiting scientists without awarding them |
Speaker |
Pezzoni Michele (University Côte d'Azur, GREDEG) |
Co-author(s) |
Ayoubi Charles and Visentin Fabiana (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne) |
Two Models of Inter-University Competition: Predicted Capacities, Tuition Fees, and Enrollment |
Speaker |
Didisse Jonas (University of Rouen, CREAM) |
Co-author(s) |
Cabon-Dhersin Marie-Laure (University of Rouen, CREAM) |
Evaluating Professor Value-added: Evidence from Professor and Student Matching in Physics |
Speaker |
Nakajima Ryo (Keio University, Japan) |
Session |
A2 - New impacts of globalization I |
Chairman: Raphael Chiappini (Université de Bordeaux, LAREFI) |
Room 203 |
French arms exports and intrastate conflicts: An empirical investigation |
Speaker |
Malizard Julien (GRETHA, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Fauconnet Cécile (University Paris Saclay,UEA ENSTA ParisTech), Pietri Antoine (Université Paris 1) |
Explaining incomplete exchange rate pass-through to import prices: Does globalization matter? |
Speaker |
Lopez Antonia (GATE-LSE, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Mignon Valérie (Université Paris X, ECONOMIX) |
Estimating the Benefits from Deep Economic Integration: New Evidence from Norway |
Speaker |
Moretti Luigi (Université Paris 1, CES, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Campos Nauro and Coricelli Fabrizio (Brunel University) |
Giving up your privacy for free after Snowden |
Speaker |
Cecere Grazia (Université Paris Sud, DEFIS, France) |
Session |
A3 - Innovation |
Chairman |
Room 205 |
Endogenous growth with endogenous liquidity |
Speaker |
Chevalier Charles-Marie (INSEE-CREST, France) |
Technological gatekeepers, regional inventor networks and inventive performance |
Speaker |
Plunket Anne (Université de Lorraine, BETA, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Le Gallo Julie (Agrosup Dijon, CAESER) |
Intellectual Property Law and Public Sponsorship of Research in a Schumpeterian Growth Model with Fundamental and Applied R&D |
Speaker |
Gray Elie (Toulouse Business School, France) |
Session |
A4 - Joint AFSE-Partner Association AFED: Law and economics |
Chairman: Musy Olivier (Université Paris II, CRED, France) |
Room 211 |
The Choice for Europe: Judicial Behaviour and Legal Integration in the European Union |
Speaker |
Lampach Nicolas (Ku Leuven, Belgique) |
Laws and Norms: Experimental Evidence with Liability Rules |
Speaker |
Espinosa Romain (Université Paris II, CRED, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Fluet Claude ( Université de Laval), Deffains Bruno (Centre de Recherches en Economie et Droit) |
Arbitration: Committee preferences and information acquisition |
Speaker |
Desrieux Claudine (Université Paris II, CRED, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Arve Malin (Norwegian School of Economics) |
French Legal Origins: A Tocquevilian View |
Speaker |
Musy Olivier (Université Paris II, CRED, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Crettez Bertrand and Deffains Bruno (Université Paris II) |
Session |
A5 - Behavorial Economics |
Chairma |
Room 212 |
Testing Models of Decision under Risk: The Case of Horserace Bettors in France |
Speaker |
Charpin Ariane (Paris School of Economics, France) |
It's not my fault! Ego, excuses and perseverance |
Speaker |
Le Yaouanq Yves (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany) |
Co-author(s) |
Hestermann Nina (Toulouse School of Economics) |
Willigness to pay attention for others: Do social Preferences Predicts Attentionnal Contribution? |
Speaker |
Ismael Rafai (Université Côte d'Azur, GREDEG, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Toumi Mira (Université Côte d'Azur, GREDEG) |
Session |
A6 - Banking system |
Chairman: Eric Nasica (Université Côte d'Azur, GREDEG) |
Room 306 |
The impact on long-term capital investment of accounting and prudential standards for financial intermediaries |
Speaker |
Rigot Sandra (Université Paris Nord, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Demaria Samira (Université Côte d'Azur, GREDEG) |
Innovation, Credit Constraints and National Banking Systems: A comparison of developing nations |
Speaker |
Lorenz Edward (Université Côte d'Azur, GREDEG, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Pommet Sophie (Université Côte d'Azur, GREDEG) |
Regulation of Islamic banks: Basel III capital framework and profit-sharing investment accounts |
Speaker |
Spinassou Kévin (Université des Antilles, LC2S, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Wardhana Leo Indra (Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia) |
Are Cooperative Banks More Resilient? Evidence from the 2007-2009 Financial Crisis |
Speaker |
Ouyahia Ouafa (Université Paris X, EconomiX, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Bazot Guillaume (Université Paris 8), Jeffers Esther (Université de Picardie Jules Verne) |
Session |
A7 - Carbon markets |
Chairma |
Room 309 |
From Nationally Determined Contributions to a World Carbon Market |
Speaker |
Bernard Alain (ASSESSECO, France) |
The decarbonized pathways of post-Paris climate policy |
Speaker |
Selosse Sandrine (Mines ParisTech, CMA France) |
Co-author(s) |
Maïzi Nadia (Mines ParisTech, CMA) |
Multilateral and Costly Linkages between Emissions Trading Systems |
Speaker |
Quemin Simon (Université Paris Dauphine, LEDa, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Doda Baran and Taschini Luca (London School of Economics) |
Session |
A8 - Economics of migrations and economic impacts of refugees |
Chairman |
Room 310 |
Refugees in Sweden: Economic integration and wage convergence |
Speaker |
Lööf Hans (Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden) |
Arab Spring and migration intentions |
Speaker |
Boutin Delphine (Université Clermont-Auvergne, CERDI, France) |
Living in limbo: Economic and social costs for refugees |
Speaker |
Ukrayinchuk Nadiya (University of Lille, LEM, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Havrylchyk Olena (University of Lille, LEM) |
Session |
A9 - Financial economics I |
Chairma |
Room 405 |
Helicopter money: survey evidence on expectation formation and consumption behavior |
Speaker |
Djuric Uros (Technical University Darmstadt (TUD), Germany) |
Co-author(s) |
Neugart Michael (Technical University of Darmstadt) |
Collateral Unchained: Rehypothecation networks, complexity and systemic effects |
Speaker |
Napoletano Mauro (OFCE Sciences Po, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Thi Luu Duc (London Institute for Mathematical Sciences), Barucca Paolo and Battiston Stefano (University of Zurich) |
Macroeconomic Implications of Learning and Financial Frictions in Interdependent Economies |
Speaker |
Perego Erica (CEPREMAP, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Sopraseuth Thepthida (Université Cergy Pontoise, THEMA), Iliopulos Eleni (EPEE) |
Session |
A10 - Joint AFSE-Partner Association FAERE: Natural Ressources |
Chairman: Katheline Schubert (Université de Paris 1, PSE) |
Room 409 |
Renewable resources and inequality aversion: what consequences for the future? |
Speaker |
Del Campo Stellio (Université Paris X, EconomiX, France) |
Natural Resources: A Blessing for Everyone ? |
Speaker |
Clootens Nicolas (Université d'Orléans, LEO, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Kirat Djamel (Université d'Orléans, LEO) |
Land Resources, Industrialization and the Feedback between Industry and Agriculture |
Speaker |
Daymard Arnaud (Université de Cergy Pontoise, THEMA, France) |
Farmers' Preferences for Biodiversity Offset Contracts on Arable Land: A Choice Experiment Study |
Speaker |
Tardieu Léa (Université de Montpellier, LAMETA, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Vaissière Anne-Charlotte, Quétier Fabien, Roussel Sébastien (Université Montpellier, (LAMETA) |
Session |
A11 - Joint AFSE-Partner Association Gide: The economics of Piero Sraffa |
Chairma |
Room 209 |
My Sraffa |
Speaker |
Sinha Ajit (Azim Premji University, Bangalore, India) |
Sraffa and causality |
Speaker |
Arena Richard (University Côte d'Azur, GREDEG, France) |
Is there a Cambridge approach to economics? |
Speaker |
Marcuzzo Cristina (University of Rome ‘La Sapienza’, Italy) |
Sraffa on the open vs. ‘closed systems’ distinction and causality |
Speaker |
John Davis (Marquette University, University of Amsterdam, United States) |
Session |
A12 - Macroeconomics I |
Chairma |
Room 410 |
titre |
Financialisation and the aluminium market. Evidence from a DSGE model |
Speaker |
Kockerols Thore (Université Paris 1, CES, France) |
titre |
Estimating Non-Linear DSGEs with the Approximate Bayesian Computation: an application to the Zero Lower Bound |
Speaker |
Scalone Valerio (Banque de France, France) |
titre |
Confidence Cycles and Liquidity Hoarding |
Speaker |
Audzei Volha (Czech National Bank and CERGE-EI, Czech Republic) |
Session |
A13 - Central bank policy |
Chairma |
Room 302 |
titre |
The Draghi Put: When unexpected words on joint liability speak louder than actions |
Speaker |
Wolfinger Julia (University of Freiburg, Germany) |
Co-author(s) |
Köhler Ekkehard (Walter Eucken Institut) |
titre |
Can we Identify the Fed's Preferences? |
Speaker |
Chatelain Jean-Bernard (Paris School of Economics, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Ralf Kirsten (ESCE International Business School) |
titre |
Impact of Fed tapering announcements on North African equity markets |
Speaker |
Bonijoly Bastien (Université de Toulon et du Var, LEAD, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Bastidon Cécile, Assoumou-Ella Giscard (CIREGED, Gabon) |
Session |
A14 - Productivity and labor |
Chairma |
Amphithéatre 2 |
titre |
Adverse Selection and Assortative Matching in Labor Markets |
Speaker |
Nikolowa Radoslawa (Queen Mary University of London, United Kingdom) |
Co-author(s) |
Ferreira Daniel (London School of Economics) |
The Impact of Market Size on Firm Organization and Productivity |
Speaker |
Spanos Grigorios (Aix-Marseille University, AMSE, France) |
Experience Rating and Workplace Safety in Small and Medium-sized Firms |
Speaker |
Pascale Lengagne (IRDES, France) |
titre |
ICT, productivity and employment in French manufacturing industries |
Speaker |
Luciani Antoine (INSEE, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Chevalier Charles-Marie (INSEE, Banque de France) |
Monday, June, 19th- 16:00-17:40 |
Session |
B1 - Health economics |
Chairma |
Room 202 |
titre |
Impact of an acute health shock on lifestyles: evidence from French panel data |
Speaker |
Marsaudon Antoine (Hospinnomics, PSE, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Rochaix Lise (Hospinnomics, PSE/APHP) |
titre |
Prospective payment, patient transfer and network effect: a dependent competing risks approach |
Speaker |
Nassiri Abdelhak (University of Western Brittany, AMURE, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Nassiri Nabil (University of Western Brittany, AMURE) |
titre |
The effect of becoming a legal sex worker in Senegal on physical and mental health |
Speaker |
Treibich Carole (Aix-Marseille Université, AMSE, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Ito Seiro (Institute of Developing Economies), Lépine Aurélia (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine) |
Session |
B2 - Macroeconomics II |
Chairma |
Room 203 |
titre |
Is there a link between the public deficit and the trade deficit in the Euro area? New evidence from panel data |
Speaker |
Matei Iuliana (IESEG Paris, France) |
titre |
The political economy of twin deficits and wage setting centralization |
Speaker |
Arabzadeh Jamali Hamzeh (PSE, France) |
titre |
Power-law distribution in the external debt-to-fiscal revenue ratio: empirical evidence and a theoretical model |
Speaker |
Dufrenot Gilles (Aix-Marseille School of Economics, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Paret Anne Charlotte (Aix-Marseille School of Economics, CREST) |
Session |
B3 - FDI and outsourcing |
Chairma |
Room 205 |
titre |
The Impact of Subsidy Bidding Wars on the Optimal Investment Decisions of Multi-Establishment Firms |
Speaker |
Lapointe Simon (VATT Institute for Economic Research, Finland) |
Co-author(s) |
Morand Pierre-Henri |
titre |
Foreign Direct Investment and Uncertainty: Evidence from French Multinational Firms |
Speaker |
Gigout Magiorani Timothee (Banque de France et Transp-OR Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland) |
Co-author(s) |
Cezar Rafael (Banque de France), Tripier Fabien (Université Lille 1, CLERSE and CEPII) |
titre |
Marginal Product of Capital and FDI under Financial Frictions |
Speaker |
Lopez Forero Margarita (Université Paris 1, PSE, France) |
titre |
Global Value Chain, Offshoring and Productivity |
Speaker |
Lööf Hans (Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden) |
Session |
B4 - Political Economy |
Chairma |
Room 211 |
titre |
Economic Determinants of Political Alternation: A Panel Data Analysis of OECD Countries. |
Speaker |
Hernández García Víctor (Fundación de Estudios de Economía Aplicada, Spain) |
titre |
Gender Biases: Evidence from a Natural Experiment in French Local Elections |
Speaker |
Vertier Paul (Sciences Po, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Eyméoud Jean-Benoît (Sciences Po) |
titre |
Does decentralization reduce the risk of secession? An experiment |
Speaker |
Maillard-Bjedov Tjasa (Distance Learning University, Switzerland) |
Co-author(s) |
Madiès Thierry (University of Fribourg), Lapointe Simon (VATT Institute for Economic Research), Villeval Marie Claire (CNRS, GATE-LES) |
titre |
What motivates French pork: Political career concerns or private connections? |
Speaker |
Sangnier Marc (Aix-Marseille University, AMSE, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Fabre Brice (Aix-Marseille University,AMSE) |
Session |
B5 - Law and industrial organisation |
Chairman: Lambert Eve-Angeline (Université de Lorraine, BETA) |
Room 212 |
titre |
Imperfect competition, joint harm and market share liability |
Speaker |
Charreire Maxime (Université Paris X, EconomiX, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Langlais Eric (Université Paris X, EconomiX, France) |
titre |
Antidumping and Feed-In Tariffs as Good Buddies? Modeling the EU-China Solar Panel Dispute |
Speaker |
Bougette Patrice (Université Côte d'Azur, GREDEG, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Charlier Christophe (Université Côte d'Azur, GREDEG) |
Comparison of liability sharing rules for environmental damage: An experiment with different level of solvency |
Speaker |
Lambert Eve-Angeline (Université de Lorraine, BETA, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Jacob Julien (LEF, INRA, AgroParisTech) and Garcia Serge (Université de Lorraine, BETA) |
Session |
B6 - Emerging economies |
Chairma |
Room 306 |
titre |
On the Relative Performance of Domestic and Foreign-Owned Manufacturing Firms in Vietnam |
Speaker |
Mai Vu (Foreign Trade University, Vietnam) |
titre |
Corruption and Monetary Policy in a Cash-in-Advance Economy |
Speaker |
Marakbi Réda (Universtié d'Orléans, LEO, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Villieu Patrick (Universtié d'Orléans, LEO) |
titre |
Public size and Economic Growth relationship: can a better institutional quality fix the outcomes? |
Speaker |
Khan Muhammad (Université d'Orléans, LEO, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Zareen Shumaila (IQRA University, Pakistan) |
Session |
B7 - Environmental economics I |
Chairma |
Room 309 |
titre |
Regulating transgenic soybean production in Argentina |
Speaker |
Schwartz Sonia (CERDI, Université Clermont Auvergne, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Phelinas Pascale (CESSMA and CERDI) |
Optimal Municipal Solid Waste Taxation with Waste Picking |
Speaker |
Gnonlonfin Amandine (Université de Toulon et du Var, LEAD, France) |
The challenge of renewable energy transition in overseas territories: A CGE applied to Reunion Island |
Speaker |
Ricci Olivia (Université de La Réunion, Réunion) |
Co-author(s) |
Garabedian Sabine (Université de La Réunion) |
Session |
B8 - Public Economics |
Chairma |
Room 310 |
"Get what you pay for?" The story underneath remunicipalizations in the water sector |
Speaker |
Chabrost Marion (Paris School of Economics, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Saussier Stéphane and Porcher Simon (Sorbonne Business School) |
titre |
Private wealth and pensions across European countries |
Speaker |
Roger Muriel (Université Paris 1, PSE, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Savignac Frédérique (Banque de France), D'addio Anna (OCDE, France) |
titre |
Local taxation and tax base mobility: Evidence from a business tax reform in France |
Speaker |
Paty Sonia (Université de Lyon II, GATE-LSE, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Ly Tidiane (Université de Lyon II, GATE-LES) |
Session |
B9 - Transport economics |
Chairman: Thierry Blayac (Montpellier University, LAMETA) |
Room 405 |
titre |
Merger Efficiency Gains: An Assessment of the French Urban Transport Industry |
Speaker |
Charpin Ariane (Paris School of Economics, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Piechucka Joanna (PSE) |
titre |
Adapting public transport policies to behavioral heterogeneity - An application to value of time |
Speaker |
Bouscasse Helene (École Nationale des Travaux Publics de l'État LAET, France) |
Co-author(s) |
De Lapparent Matthieu (Transp-OR Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne) |
titre |
Urban spatial structure, transport-related emissions and welfare |
Speaker |
Gate Romain (INRA, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Gaigné Carl (INRA), Denant-Boèmont Laurent (University of Rennes 1, CREM) |
Session |
B10 - Family, Gender and Children education |
Chairma |
Room 409 |
titre |
Shocks on the labor market, youth's time allocation and women's empowerment: Insights from the 2011 Egyptian uprising |
Speaker |
Dovis Marion (Aix-Marseille Université, AMSE, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Sadania Clémentine and Augier Patricia (Aix-Marseille Université, AMSE) |
titre |
Women's Economic Rights and Children Education |
Speaker |
Valero Mathilde (Aix-Marseille Université, AMSE, France) |
Wage Premiums and Penalties Associated with Marriage versus Cohabitation |
Speaker |
Jeandidier Bruno (Université de Lorraine, BETA, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Bonnet Carole and Solaz Anne (INED) |
Session |
B11 - Joint AFSE-Partner Association Gide: Celebrating Friedman's and Phelp's 1968 anniversary |
Chairma |
Room 209 |
titre |
Friedman (1968) versus Phelps (1968) about the policy-making issue |
Speaker |
Rivot Sylvie (Université de Mulhouse, BETA, France) |
titre |
Keynesians and the Friedman critique in the 1970s |
Speaker |
Goutsmedt Aurélien (Université Paris 1, CES, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Rubin Goulven ((Université Paris 1, CES) |
Integrating the labor market in the IS-LM model: the ‘old/new Keynesian’ contrast |
Speaker |
De Vroey Michel (Université catholique de Louvain, IRES, Belgium) |
Co-author(s) |
François Courtoy, Charlotte de Montpellier and Ricardo Turati (Université catholique de Louvain, IRES) |
Session |
B12 - Labor economics I |
Chairma |
Room 410 |
titre |
Could Long-Term Investments in Infrastructure Reduce Inequality? |
Speaker |
Hooper Emma (AMSE-GREQAM, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Pintus Patrick, Peters Sanjay (Columbia University, United States) |
titre |
An ordinal approach to the measurement of inequality in asset ownership: methodology and an application to Mexican data. |
Speaker |
Berenger Valerie (Université de Toulon, LEAD, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Silber Jacques (Bar-Ilan University), Deutsch Joseph, Soloaga Isidro |
titre |
Hammond's equity principle and the measurement of ordinal inequalities |
Speaker |
Magdalou Brice (Aix-Marseille Université, AMSE, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Gravel Nicolas and Moyes Patrick (Aix-Marseille Université, AMSE) |
titre |
Household financial exclusion in the Eurozone throughout the crisis |
Speaker |
Coffinet Jerome (Banque de France, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Jadeau Christophe (Banque de France) |
Session |
B13 - Joint AFSE-Partner Association RIEF: Trade |
Chairma |
Room 302 |
Foreign workers and indirect exports: Firm-level evidence from Viet Nam |
Speaker |
Marchal Léa (Kiel Institute for the World Economy, Germany) |
Co-author(s) |
Seric Adnan ( United Nations Industrial Development Organization) |
Trade in Intermediate Inputs, Absorptive Capacity and Employment: Theory and Evidence |
Speaker |
Kilinc Umut (Institut national de la statistique et des études économiques du Grand-Duché du Luxembourg, Luxembourg) |
Within-firm Inequality in Multi-product Firms |
Speaker |
Nedoncelle Clément (Université de Lille, LEM, France) |
Trade Margins, Price, and Product Quality Adjustments to Non-Tariff Measures: Evidence from French Firms |
Speaker |
Disdier Anne-Celia (Université Paris 1, PSE, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Gaigné Carl (INRA), Herghelegiu Cristina (PSE) |
Session |
B14 - Joint AFSE-Partner Association FADE: Digital strategies and business models |
Chairman: Thierry Pénard (Université de Rennes 1, CREM) |
Amphithéatre 2 |
The effect of competition intensity on software security - An empirical analysis of security patch release on the web browser market |
Speaker |
Jo Arrah-Marie (Institut Télécom - Télécom ParisTech, France) |
Do You See What I See? Ad Viewability and the Economics of Online Advertising |
Speaker |
Quinn Martin (Telecom ParisTech, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Bounie David (Telecom ParisTech) |
Personal data and free applications |
Speaker |
Lefrere Vincent (Institut Mines Telecom, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Cecere Grazia (Telecom management), Le Guel Fabrice (Upsud) |
titre |
The Economics of Zero-rating and Net Neutrality |
Speaker |
Somogyi Robert (Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium) |
Tuesday, June 20th- 8:40-10:20 |
Session |
C1 - Joint AFSE-Partner Association ASFEE II |
Chairma |
Room 202 |
Diversity in cognitive ability and mispricing in experimental asset markets |
Speaker |
Hanaki Nobuyuki (Université Côte d'Azur, GREDEG, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Akiyama Eizo (University of Tsukuba), Funaki Yukihiko and Ryuichiro Ishikawa (Waseda University) |
The robustness of mispricing results in experimental asset markets |
Speaker |
Powell Owen (University of Vienna, Austria) |
Understanding choice parameters under coarse feedback |
Speaker |
Singh Juni (PSE, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Jehiel Philippe (PSE and University College London) |
Discount Window Stigma: An Experimental Investigation |
Speaker |
Armantier Olivier (federal reserve bank of New York, United States) |
Co-author(s) |
Holt Charles (University of Virginia) |
Session |
C2 - Joint AFSE-Partner Association CES: Health and Work |
Chairma |
Room 203 |
The impact of retirement on health status |
Speaker |
Defebvre Eric (ERUDITE, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Barnay Thomas (Université Paris Est Creteil, ERUDITE) |
Effects of the one-day waiting period for sick leave on absenteeism in the French central civil service |
Speaker |
Godzinski Alexandre (PSE, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Cazenave-Lacroutz Alexandre (CREST, INSEE) |
Employment-based health insurance, compensation policy and sick leave |
Speaker |
Ronchetti Jérôme (Université du Maine, GAINS, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Messe Pierre-Jean (Université du Mans et EDHEC Business School), Cheron Arnaud (Univeristé du Mans) |
Replicating Inter-generational Longevity Risk Sharing in Collective Defined Contribution Pension Plans using Financial Markets |
Speaker |
Kurtbegu Enareta (Université du Maine, GAINS, France) |
Session |
C3 - Economics of Taxation |
Chairma |
Room 205 |
titre |
Incidence of corporate tax credit on profits, wages and employment: evidence from a French reform |
Speaker |
Urvoy Camille (Sciences Po, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Carbonnier Clément (Université Cergy Pontoise, THEMA), Malgouyres Clément and Py Loriane (Banque de France) |
titre |
Massive tax credits, but very few employment effects: an ex post evaluation of the CICE in France |
Speaker |
Yang Xi (Université de Paris X, EconomiX, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Gilles Fabrice (Université de Lille, LEM), L'Horty Yannick, Mihoubi Ferhat (ERUDITE, UPEM et TEPP-CNRS) |
titre |
Tax evasion and productivity: do firms escape EPL through informality? |
Speaker |
Vallanti Giovanna (LUISS "Guido Carli", Italy) |
titre |
Tax or Administrative Burden: A Move Toward Education or Simplification? |
Speaker |
Bazart Cecile (University of Montpellier, LAMETA, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Thierry Blayac (University of Montpellier, LAMETA) |
Session |
C4 - Development economics |
Chairma |
Room 211 |
titre |
The Importance of Oil in the Allocation of Foreign Aid |
Speaker |
Kilama Eric Gabin (University Paris X, EconomiX) |
Co-author(s) |
Couharde Cécile (Université de Paris X, EconomiX, France) |
titre |
What drives private non-financial sector borrowing in emerging market economies |
Speaker |
Jimborean Ramona (Banque de France, France) |
titre |
The long-term impact of U.S. aid on poverty: the role of a seat in the Security Council of the United Nations |
Speaker |
Milovich Juliana (Université Paris X, EconomiX, France) |
titre |
Social preferences across different populations: Meta-analyses of the ultimatum and dictator games |
Speaker |
Jean-Christian Tisserand (Université de Franche-Comté, CRESE) |
Co-author(s) |
Julie Le Gallo and François Cochard (Université de Franche-Comté, CRESE) |
Session |
C5 - Public economic theory |
Chairma |
Room 212 |
titre |
Micro-microfoundations: Strategic Preference Formation and Policy Design |
Speaker |
Lecouteux Guilhem (Université Côte d'Azur, GREDEG, France) |
titre |
Corporate Social Responsibility and Regulation: Taxing ethical behaviour |
Speaker |
Kassab Dina (University of Cairo, Egypt) |
titre |
On the effectivity of tax incentives: Patent Box Regimes and Allowance for Corporate Equity |
Speaker |
Gerard Marcel (Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium) |
Co-author(s) |
Mahoux Bastien (Université catholique de Louvain) |
titre |
Session |
C6 - Macroeconomic policy |
Chairma |
Room 306 |
titre |
Macroeconomic effects of tax changes: new narrative evidence for Italy |
Speaker |
Aliprandi Giulia (PSE, France) |
titre |
Fiscal Policy Coordination in a Monetary Union at the Zero-Lower-Bound |
Speaker |
Boussard Jocelyn (CREST France) |
Co-author(s): |
Benoît Campagne (CREST, Ecole Polytechnique) |
Microfoundations of the New Keynesian Phillips Curve in an Open Emerging Economy |
Speaker |
Ait Benhamou Zouhair (Université Paris X, EconomiX, France) |
titre |
Why Fiscal Regimes Matter for Fiscal Sustainability Analysis: An Application to France |
Speaker |
Aldama Pierre (Paris School of Economics, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Creel Jérôme (OFCE - Sciences Po, ESCP EUROPE) |
Session |
C7 - Immigration and labor market |
Chairma |
Room 309 |
titre |
Occupational choices and network effects: Evidence from France |
Speaker |
Herault Arnaud (Université d'Angers, GRANEM, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Moreno Galbis Eva (GREQAM), Wolff François-Charles (Université de Nantes, LEMNA) |
titre |
Are immigrants' skills priced differently? Evidence from France |
Speaker |
Tritah Ahmed (Université du Maine, GAINS, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Moreno-Galbis Eva (GREQAM), Jeremy Tanguy (GAINS), Laffineur Catherine (Université Côte d'Azur, GREDEG) |
titre |
Accent as a Cause Of Discrimination |
Speaker |
Reynaud François (Aix-Marseille Université, AMSE, France) |
Session |
C8 - Pro-environmental behaviours |
Chairma |
Room 310 |
titre |
Time for waste, waste of time? Assessing heterogeneous values of saving time from recycling using a latent-class rank-ordered logit approach |
Speaker |
Beaumais Olivier (LISA, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Prunetti Dumè (Università di Corsica - Pasquale Paoli, LISA) |
The sum of all the fears: the role of attitude towards health and environmental risk in the WTP a premium for organic foods |
Speaker |
Appéré Gildas (Université d'Angers, GRANEM, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Travers Muriel (Université de Nantes, LEMNA), Dupont Frédéric (University of Western Brittany) |
Hammond's equity principle and the measurement of ordinal inequalities |
Speaker |
Niérat Apolline (Université de Rouen, CREAM) |
Co-author(s) |
Beaumais Olivier (LISA, France) |
titre |
The pen is migthier than the sword: How third-party advice or sanction impact on pro-environmental behavior |
Speaker |
Toumi Mira (Université Côte d'Azur, GREDEG, France) |
titre |
Co-author(s) |
Festré Agnès, Garrouste Pierre (Université Côte d'Azur, GREDEG), Kirakozian Ankinée (CMA, Mines ParisTech, France) |
Session |
C9 - Liquidity |
Chairma |
Room 405 |
titre |
Liquidity matters: Addressing the puzzle of negative bank output on loans |
Speaker |
Bruno Olivier (Université Côte d'Azur, GREDEG, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Chiappini Raphaël (LAREFI, Université de Bordeaux), Groslambert Bertrand (Université Côte d'Azur, SKEMA) |
titre |
Economics of regulation: credit rationing and excess liquidity |
Speaker |
Cho Hyejin (Université Paris 1, France) |
titre |
Regulating the liquidity of risky assets |
Speaker |
Rieu-Foucault Anne-Marie (Université Paris X, EconomiX, France) |
Session |
C10 - Joint AFSE-Partner Association FAERE: Energy Economics |
Chairma |
Room 409 |
Carbon taxation: designing compensation measures to protect low-income households |
Speaker |
Berry Audrey (CIRED, France) |
Green exuberance: Do studies really support high eco-premiums for buildings? |
Speaker |
Fizaine Florian (Univ. Bourgogne Franche Comté, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Voye Pierre and Baumont Catherine (LEDi) |
titre |
Households energy consumption and transition toward cleaner energy sources |
Speaker |
Lo Gaye Del (BETA, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Damette Olivier, Delacote Philippe (INRA, AgroParisTech, LEF) |
Session |
C11 - History and Economics |
Chairma |
Room 209 |
titre |
Product Innovation and Transformations in Product Supply in 18th Century: The Cloth Market in Lorraine, a Case Study |
Speaker |
Villain Julien (Institutions et dynamiques historiques de l'Économie et de la Société, France) |
titre |
French Shipping at the end of the Old Regime. The Navigocopurs database |
Speaker |
Marzagalli Silvia (Université Côte d'Azur, CMMC, France) |
titre |
The First Great Liberalization |
Speaker |
Blancheton Bertrand (University of Bordeaux, GREThA, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Meissner Chris (University of California, Davis), Becuwe Stéphane (University of Bordeaux, GREThA) |
titre |
The futility of mercantilist wars. A case study of France and Hamburg between 1713 and 1820 |
Speaker |
Guillaume Daudin (Université Paris Dauphine, LEDa, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Tirindelli Elisa (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland) |
Session |
C12 - Joint AFSE-Partner Association ASLRDF: Urban Economics |
Chairma |
Room 410 |
The Determinants of elderly migration in France |
Speaker |
Michel Dimou (Université de Toulon et du Var, LEAD, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Schaffar Alexandra (LEAD), Mouhoud Mouhoub (Université Paris Dauphine, LEDa-DIAL) |
Urban transport in polycentric cities |
Speaker |
David Quentin Université de Lille, LEM, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Kilani Moez (Université de Lille, LEM) |
Residential mobility in France |
Speaker |
Schaffar Alexandra (Université de Toulon et du Var, LEAD, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Ettouati Samuel ( LEAD) |
Impact of displacements costs on a spatially scattered labor market - A theoretical approach |
Speaker |
Aboulkacem El-Mehdi (Université de Lille, LEM France) |
Co-author(s) |
Jayet Hubert (Université de Lille, LEM) |
Session |
C13 - Joint AFSE-Partner Association RIEF: International Macroeconomics |
Chairman: Jérôme Héricourt (Université de Lille, LEM, France) |
Room 302 |
Comparing the effects of tariffs and exchange rate changes on trade flows : Results from a gravity model |
Speaker |
Bénassy-Quéré Agnès (Université Paris 1, PSE, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Bussière Matthieu and Wibaux Pauline (PSE) |
External imbalances, exchange rate regimes and firm dynamics |
Speaker |
Pappada Francesco (Banque de France, France) |
News media, asset prices and capital flows - Evidence from a small open economy |
Speaker |
Sher Galen (United States) |
Structure of Income Inequality and Household Leverage: Theory and Cross-Country Evidence |
Speaker |
Jerome Hericourt (Université de Lille, LEM, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Bazillier Remi and Ligonniere Samuel (Université Paris 1CES) |
Session |
C14 - Joint AFSE-Partner Association REI: "Around Revue d'Economie Industrielle" |
Chairma |
Amphithéatre 2 |
Digital economy and industrial organization organization Digital economy and industrial organization |
Speaker |
Penard Thierry (Université de Rennes 1, CREM, France) |
Energy transition, industries and markets and markets Energy transition, industries and markets |
Speaker |
Staropoli Carine (Université Paris 1, PSE, France) |
Networks, knowledge and industrial dynamics industrial dynamics |
Speaker |
Plunket Anne (Université de Lorraine, BETA, France) |
Digital economy and scientific publishing |
Speaker |
Longhi Christian (CNRS, GREDEG) |
Co-author(s) |
Rocchia Sylvie (Université Côte d'Azur, GREDEG) |
Tuesday, June 20th - 16:15- 17:55 |
Session |
D1 - Risk and insurance |
Chairma |
Room 202 |
titre |
On the Design of Optimal Health Insurance Contracts under Ex Post Moral Hazard |
Speaker |
Raj Anasuya (Ecole Polytechnique, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Picard Pierre and Martinon Pierre (Ecole Polytechnique) |
titre |
Public Insurance of Married versus Single Households in the US: Trends and Welfare Consequences |
Speaker |
Singh Swapnil (Universiteit van Amsterdam, Netherlands) |
titre |
Private Health Investments under Competing Risks: Evidence from Malaria Control in Senegal |
Speaker |
Villar Paola (Paris School of Economics, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Rossi Pauline (PSE et CREST) |
titre |
Insurance Pools for New Undiversifiable Risk |
Speaker |
Bobtcheff Catherine (Toulouse School of Economics, CNRS, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Alary David (Toulouse School of Economics), Haritchabalet Carole (Université de Pau & des Pays de l’Adour) |
Session |
D2 - Labor economics, institutions and public sector |
Chairma |
Room 203 |
titre |
Inequalities and discriminations in access to the State civil service : an assessment based on administrative data from French open competitive exams |
Speaker |
Pierne Guillaume (OFCE and CNAM, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Greenan Nathalie (TEPP), Lanfranchi Joseph (LEMMA), Narcy Mathieu (TEPP), L'Horty Yannick, (ERUDITE, UPEM et TEPP-CNRS) |
titre |
The Public Sector Wage Gap : New Evidence from Panel Administrative Data |
Speaker |
Etienne Audrey (Université Aix-Marseille, GREQAM, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Bargain Olivier (Université Aix-Marseille,+C731 AMSE), Melly Blaise (University of Bern) |
titre |
The Effects of Social and Professional Support on Workers in Work Integration Social Enterprises |
Speaker |
Calavrezo Oana (Unédic and University of Orléans, LEO) |
Co-author(s) |
Rémy Véronique (Ministère du travail, France) |
titre |
Measuring Vulnerability to adverse working conditions: evidence from European countries |
Speaker |
Seghir Majda (Université Paris Est Créteil, France) |
Session |
D3 - Business cycles and crises |
Chairma |
Room 205 |
titre |
What drives markups? Evolutionary pricing in an agent-based stock-flow consistent macroeconomic model |
Speaker |
Seppecher Pascal (University of Paris Nord, CEPN, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Salle Isabelle (University of Bordeaux,GREThA), Lavoie Marc (CEPN) |
Dynamical Interaction Between Financial and Business Cycles |
Speaker |
Petronevich Anna (CREST, France) |
Competition and credit procyclicality in European banking |
Speaker |
Leroy Aurélien (Université de Nantes, LEMNA, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Lucotte Yannick (PSB Paris School of Business) |
Session |
D4 - Firm networks and competitiveness |
Chairma |
Room 211 |
Local Product Space and Firm Level Churning in Exported Products |
Speaker |
Flora Bellone (University Côte d'Azur, GREDEG, France) |
titre |
Co-author(s) |
Hazir Cilem Selin (Ankarra and University Côte d'Azur, GREDEG), Gaglio Cyrielle (University Côte d'Azur, GREDEG) |
Relatedness and Innovation: The Role Local and External Knowledge |
Speaker |
Lo Turco Alessia (Università Politecnica delle Marche, Italy) |
Co-author(s) |
Maggioni Daniela (Università di Catania) |
Seller-Buyer Matching in International Good Markets |
Speaker |
Lenoir Clémence (Centre de Recherche en Économie et Statistique, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Méjean Isabelle (Ecole Polytechnique), Martin Julien (Université du Québec) |
Oversea Production Expansion and Domestic Transaction Network |
titre |
Speaker |
Toshiyuki Matsuura (Keio University, Japan) |
Co-author(s) |
Kazunobu Hayakawa (Institute of Developing Economies) |
Session |
D5 - Joint AFSE-Partner Association ENA: Neuroeconomics |
Chairma |
Room 212 |
Physiological correlates of active and passive Financial risk-taking |
Speaker |
Heimann Marco (University of Lyon 3, IAE Lyon, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Delorme François (University of Lyon 3, IAE Lyon) |
Cognitive Hysteresis in Deciding what is Fair |
Speaker |
Alan Kirman (EHESS, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Imen Bouhlel and Eric Guerci (Université Côte d’Azur, GREDEG) |
From delayed discounting to probabilistic discounting: Two mental modalities of time perception, neural substrates and rank dependent modeling |
Speaker |
Marc –Arthur Diaye (Paris 1 University, CES) |
Co-author(s) |
Christian Schmidt (Paris-Dauphine University, PHARE) |
Focused Cognitive Fatigue and Decision Making: Behavioral Evidence and Neuroimaging Correlates |
Speaker |
Blain Bastien (University College London, United Kingdom) |
Session |
D6 - Labor economics II |
Chairma |
Room 306 |
titre |
Social Mobility, Economic Growth and Socioeconomic Inequality in an Economy without Informality and with Social Protection |
Speaker |
Chávez-Juárez Florian (National Laboratory of Public Policy, Mexico) |
Co-author(s) |
Badillo Raquel and Hernandez Sistos Victoria (National Laboratory of Public Policy) |
titre |
Cohort size and transitions into the labour market |
Speaker |
Roth Duncan (Institute for Employment Research IAB, Germany) |
titre |
titre |
Is ADHD a Severe Disorder? A Re-evaluation of its Labor Market Outcomes |
Speaker |
Toledo Patricia (Ohio University, United States) |
Co-author(s) |
Hartge Joseph (Ohio University, United States) |
titre |
An ex post assessment of the annualization of social security payroll tax low wages reductions |
Speaker |
Legendre François (ERUDITE, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Quynh-Chi Doan and Hagneré Cyrille (ACOSS) |
Session |
D7 - Unemployment and labor market protection |
Chairma |
Room 309 |
titre |
Firm dynamics and employment protection: evidence from sectoral data |
Speaker |
Conti Maurizio (European Commission, Italy) |
Co-author(s) |
Bottasso Anna (University of Genova), Sulis Giovanni (University of Cagliari, CRENoS and IZA) |
The impact of unemployment on health spending |
Speaker |
Terriau Anthony ((Université du Maine, GAINS, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Ronchetti Jérôme (Université du Maine, GAINS) |
titre |
Labour market regulations and capital labour substitution |
Speaker |
Lopez Jimmy (Université de Dijon et CREST, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Cette Gilbert (Banque de France), Mairesse Jacques (CREST) |
Session |
D8 - Telecommunication |
Chairma |
Room 310 |
titre |
Impact of Superfast Broadband on Local Economic Growth: Empirical Evidence Using a Matching Estimator |
Speaker |
Hasbi Maude (Telecom ParisTech, France) |
titre |
Do reforms sequences matter for telecom sector performance? Evidence from MENA countries |
Speaker |
Staropoli Carine (Université Paris 1, PSE, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Ahmed Ezzat Riham (Cairo University), Cambini Carlo (Politecnico di Turino) |
titre |
Impact of competition and regulation on prices of mobile services: Evidence from France |
Speaker |
Nicolle Ambre (Université de Montpellier, LAMETA, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Grzybowski Lukasz, Zulehner Christine (Goethe-University Frankfurt) |
titre |
20,000 leagues under the sea: Digital isolation, infrastructure vulnerability and firm performances in developing and emerging countries. |
Speaker |
Cariolle Joël (FERDI, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Le Goff Maëlan (Banque de France) |
Session |
D9 - Joint AFSE-Partner association AFC: Cliometrics |
Chairma |
Room 405 |
Four Decades of Study on Growth Disparities across Regions in France: Achievements and Prospects |
Speaker |
Hau Michel (Université de Strasbourg, BETA, France) |
On the impact of root causes on the origins of WW1: War versus Peace, the dilemma of the French and German decision-makers? |
Speaker |
Trannoy Alain (Aix-Marseille Université, AMSE, France) |
Industrialization as a Deskilling Process? Steam engines and Human Capital in XIXth Century France |
Speaker |
Menard Audrey-Rose (Université de Strasbourg, BETA, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Le Chapelain Charlotte (Université Lyon III, CLHDPP, BETA), Diebolt Claude (CNRS, BETA) |
Romania's unsustainable stabilization: 1929-1933 |
Speaker |
Dominique Torre (Université Côte d'Azur, GREDEG, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Chiappini Raphael (Université de Bordeaux, LAREFI) |
Session |
D10 - Joint AFSE-Partner Association CES: Physicians, access to care and needs |
Chairma |
Room 409 |
Gender Differences in the Incomes of Self-employed French Physicians: The Role of Family Structure |
Speaker |
Franc Carine (Centre de recherche en épidémiologie et santé des populations, France) |
French GPs' willingness to delegate tasks: when risk aversion meets financial incentives |
Speaker |
Videau Yann (Université Paris Est Creteil, ERUDITE, France) |
Estimating the price elasticity of demand for home care of disabled elderly: a semi-structural approach |
Speaker |
Supplisson Olivier (ENSAE, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Gramain Agnès (BETA) |
The use of formal and informal care and their impacts on the well-being of frail people |
Speaker |
Cheneau Anais (Université Grenoble Alpes, CREG, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Simonnet Véronique (Université Grenoble Alpes, CREG) |
Session |
D11 - Industrial organisation I |
Chairma |
Room 209 |
titre |
Cournot oligopoly with randomly arriving producers |
Speaker |
Deschamps Marc (Université de Franche-Comté, CRESE, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Bernhard Pierre ( INRIA-Sophia Antipolis Méditerranée, BIOCORE) |
titre |
Confidence, optimism and quality in a Bertrand duopoly |
Speaker |
Delacote Philippe (INRA, AgroParisTech, LEF, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Bottega Lucie (TSE, Climate Economics Chair), Brécard Dorothée (Université de Toulon, LEAD) |
titre |
A general model of price competition with soft capacity constraints |
Speaker |
Drouhin Nicolas (ENS Cachan, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Cabon-Dhersin Marie-Laure (Université de Rouen) |
Wednesday, June, 21st- 8:40-10:20 |
Session |
E1 - Risk and bank strategies |
Chairma |
Room 202 |
titre |
What is the information value of bank's stress tests? An investigation using banks' bond split ratings |
Speaker |
Daouda Dala Moustapha (Université de Limoges, LAPE, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Distinguin Isabelle and Sauviat Alain (Université de Limoges, LAPE) |
titre |
Reducing Model Risk in Early Warning Systems for Banking Crises in the Euro Area |
Speaker |
Idier Julien (Banque de France, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Coudert Virginie (Banque de France) |
titre |
Introducing global term structure into a risk parity framework |
Speaker |
Stagnol Lauren (Université Paris X, EconomiX, France) |
titre |
Why Bank Business Models Matter for SME Credit Rationing |
Speaker |
Nicolas Théo (Banque de France, ENS Cachan, France) |
Session |
E2 - Unemployment and labor market protection II |
Chairma |
Room 203 |
titre |
Unemployment, Growth and Welfare Effects of Labor Market Reforms |
Speaker |
Lim King Yoong (University of Manchester, United Kingdom) |
titre |
Directed search with phantom vacancies |
Speaker |
Decreuse Bruno (Aix-Marseille University, AMSE, France) |
titre |
The French Pension Reforms and their Impact on Unemployed Older Workers |
Speaker |
Charni Kadija (Université Aix-Marseille, AMSE, France) |
titre |
The impact of training programs content on unemployment duration in France |
Speaker |
Rain Audrey (CREST, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Fougere Denis (CREST), Ferracci Marc (University Paris II, CRED) |
Session |
E3 - Economic history and History of economic thought |
Chairman: Muriel Dal Pont (Université Côte d'Azur, GREDEG) |
Room 205 |
The rise of a mainstream in economics |
Speaker |
De Vroey Michel (IRES, Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium) |
Co-author(s) |
Pensieroso Luca (Université catholique de Louvain) |
"Structural" cycles in world economic growth: long waves dating chronology |
Speaker |
Gallegati Marco (Università Politecnica delle Marche, Italy) |
titre |
Central bank independence in the twenties: doctrine and practices before theory |
Speaker |
Do Vale Salgueiro Adriano (Université Paris Nord, France) |
titre |
Offices and Public Debt Market in the 16th and the 17th Centuries in France |
Speaker |
Pinsard Nicolas <nicolas.pinsard@univ-paris13.fr> |
Session |
E4 - Labor and Development |
Chairma |
Room 211 |
titre |
Do Political Institutions and Financial Development improve the effect of Remittances on Economic growth |
Speaker |
El Hamma Imad Université Côte d Azur, GREDEG, France) |
titre |
Job quality and Economic Development |
Speaker |
Frontenaud Adrien (Université Paris Creteil ERUDITE, France) |
titre |
Wage Differentials between Temporary and Permanent Workers in Developing Asian Countries |
Speaker |
Nguyen Huu Thanh Tam (Université de Rouen, CREAM, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Le Thi-Thuy-Linh (University of Paris-Dauphine) |
Session |
E5 - Joint AFSE-Partner Association ASFEE I |
Chairma |
Room 212 |
Discrimination as favoritism: The private benefits and social costs of in-group favoritism in an experimental labor market. |
Speaker |
Masclet David (CNRS-CREM, France) |
Co-author(s) |
David Dickinson (Appalchian State University), Emmanuel Peterle (Université de Franche-Comté) |
titre |
Increasing breast cancer screening uptake: a randomized controlled experiment |
Speaker |
Goldzahl Léontine (Université Paris-Dauphine, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Jusot Florence (Université Paris-Dauphine, PSL, Leda-Legos & Irdes), Hollard Guillaume (Ecole Polytechnique) |
titre |
Raising the take-up of social assistance benefits through a simple mailing: evidence from a French field experiment |
Speaker |
Gray David (University of Ottawa, Canada) |
Co-author(s) |
L'Horty Yannick and Chareyron Sylvain (Univerisité Paris Est Creteil, ERUDITE) |
Session |
E6 - International and regional economics |
Chairma |
Room 306 |
titre |
Does the Arab-Israeli conflict matter on Israel trade relations? |
Speaker |
Didier Laurent (Université de La Réunion, Réunion) |
titre |
International Migration and Regional Housing Markets: Evidence from France |
Speaker |
Boubtane Ekrame (Université Clemont-Auvergne CERDI, France) |
Co-author(s) |
D'albis Hippolyte (Paris School of Economics, CNRS), Coulibaly Dramane (University of Paris X, EconomiX) |
titre |
Everybody needs good neighboors: at least for social support |
Speaker |
Chareyron Sylvain (Université Paris-Est Créteil, ERUDITE, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Domingues Patrick (ERUDITE) |
titre |
Democracy, Migration, and the Empowerment of Civil Society in Africa: The Long-Term Effect |
Speaker |
Omgba Luc (Université de Paris X, EconomiX, France) |
Co-author(s): |
Coulibaly Dramane (Université de Paris X, EconomiX) |
Session |
E7 - Catastrophes and Natural disasters |
Chairma |
Room 309 |
Creative Destruction vs Destructive Destruction : A Schumpeterian Approach for Adaptation and Mitigation |
Speaker |
Mavi Can Askan (Université Paris 1, France) |
titre |
Rare Events and Risk Perception: Evidence from the Fukushima Accident |
Speaker |
Coulomb Renaud (University of Melbourne, Australia) |
Co-author(s) |
Zylberberg Yanos (University of Bristol) |
titre |
Adapting to within-country export barriers: Evidence from the Japan 2011 Tsunami |
Speaker |
Vermeulen Wessel (University of Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom) |
Co-author(s) |
Hamano Masashige (Waseda University) |
Session |
E8 - Monetary and financial economics |
Chairman: Martine Carré Tallon (Université Paris Dauphine, LEDa) |
Room 310 |
titre |
Forbearance Patterns in the post-crisis Period |
Speaker |
Kockerols Thore (Centre d'économie de la Sorbonne, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Bergant Katharina (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland) |
titre |
Are low interest rate to blame for the missing corporate investment ? |
Speaker |
Aurissergues Elliot (Paris-Jourdan Sciences Economiques, France) |
The Emergence of Money: A Dynamic Analysis |
Speaker |
Iacopetta Maurizio (OFCE Sciences Po and SKEMA, France) |
What is different about macroeconomic interactions in the African CFA zone ? |
Speaker |
Henry Alexandre (Université de Lorraine - BETA, France) |
Session |
E9 - Industrial organisation II |
Chairma |
Room 405 |
titre |
When temperature rises and consumer cool down: impact on pricing and advertising strategies |
Speaker |
Rousset Xavier (Paris 5, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Chenavaz Regis, Escobar Octavio (Paris School of Business) |
titre |
Strategic responses to cultural quotas: evidence form French radio |
Speaker |
Niu Dandan (MINES ParisTech-Centre d'économie industrielle, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Kyle Margaret (Mines ParisTech) |
titre |
Providing public utilities in a common agency framework: making, buying and level of association |
Speaker |
Mayol Alexandre (Université Paris 1, PSE, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Michallet Benjamin (Université Paris 1, PSE), Prevet Antoine (Université Paris 1, PSE) |
titre |
Merging In-Market vs. Cross-Border: The Impact of Merger Policy |
Speaker |
Zogheib Jean-Marc (Télécom ParisTech, France) |
Session |
E10 - Economic Theory |
Chairma |
Room 409 |
titre |
Exchange Networks with Stochastic Matching |
Speaker |
Dragicevic Arnaud (Istanbul Technical University, Turkey) |
Optimal Deterrence of Cooperation |
titre |
Speaker |
Lardon Aymeric (Université Côte d'Azur, GREDEG, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Gonzalez Stéphane (Groupe d'analyse et de théorie économique) |
Second price all-pay auctions, how much money do players lose ? |
Speaker |
Umbhauer Gisèle (BETA, France) |
Arranged Marriage: Families get involved in the Marriage Market |
Speaker |
Morault Pauline (Aix-Marseille University, AMSE, France) |
titre |
Wednesday, June 21st - 15:45- 17:25 |
Session |
F1 - Financial economics II |
Chairman: Guillaume Horny (Banque de France) |
Room 202 |
titre |
To trust is good, but to control is better: How investors discipline financial advisors' activity? |
Speaker |
Riccardo Calcagno (EMLYON Business School, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Giofré Maela (Università degli Studi di Torino), Urzi-Brancati Maria Cesira (International Longevity Centre UK) |
titre |
Measuring Financial Fragmentation in the Euro Area Corporate Bond Market |
Speaker |
Horny Guillaume (Banque de France, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Mojon Benoît (Banque de France), Manganelli Simone (European Central Bank) |
titre |
From the CAPM with systemic risk to the designation of the systemically important financial institutions |
Speaker |
Jean-Charles Garibal (Université d'Orléans, LEO) |
Session |
F2 - Macroeconomics III |
Chairma |
Room 203 |
titre |
Corporate Governance and Phases of Development |
Speaker |
Pietro Peretto (Duke University, United States) |
Co-author(s) |
Maurizio Iacopetta (OFCE and Skema Business School) |
titre |
Intertemporal equilibrium with heterogeneous agents, endogenous dividends and collateral constraints |
Speaker |
Pham Ngoc Sang (Montpellier Business School, France) |
titre |
Industrial Comovement and Production Networks: An Empirical Investigation |
Speaker |
Martinez Garibay Homero (Université Paris Dauphine, LEDa, France) |
titre |
Equilibrium and Disequilibrium Dynamics of a Multi-Sector Economy: A model and An Application to France |
Speaker |
Khelifi Atef (Université Lille 1, CLERSE, France) |
Session |
F3 - Economics of education |
Chairma |
Room 205 |
titre |
The effect of soft skills on French graduate pay |
Speaker |
Albandea Ines (Institut de recherche sur l'éducation, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Giret Jean-François (Institut de recherche sur l'éducation) |
titre |
Educational Inequality at Regional Level and Its Determinants: The Evidence of Latin America in the Second Half of the 20th Century |
Speaker |
Teng Yue (University of Trento, Italy) |
titre |
Long walk to knowledge : On the determinants of higher education mobility to Europe |
Speaker |
Didisse Jonas (University of Rouen, CREAM, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Nguyen Huu Thanh Tam and Tran-Rieber Anh-Dao (University of Rouen, CREAM) |
Session |
F4 - New impacts of globalization II |
Chairman: Catherine Laffineur (Université Côte d'Azur, GREDEG) |
Room 211 |
titre |
Firm Export Diversication and Labor Organization |
Speaker |
Treibich Tania (Maastricht University, Netherlands) |
Co-author(s) |
Bernini Michele (NIESR-London), Guillou Sarah (OFCE Sciences Po) |
titre |
The Economics of Zero-rating and Net Neutrality |
Speaker |
Frocrain Philippe (Centre d'économie industrielle, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Giraud Pierre-Noël (Centre d'économie industrielle, France) |
The impact of an international competitive pressure on the French exports portfolio |
Speaker |
Gaglio Cyrielle (Université Côte d'Azur, GREDEG, France) |
titre |
Industrial Transformation with Heterogeneous Labour and Foreign Experts |
Speaker |
Lim King Yoong (University of Manchester, United Kingdom) |
Session |
F5 - Joint AFSE-Partner Association CES: Health and Welfare |
Chairma |
Room 212 |
Estimating a cost-effectiveness threshold for the Spanish NHS |
Speaker |
Garcia-Lorenzo Borja (Université de Bordeaux, Equipe EMOS and HTA Unit of Canary Islands, Spain) |
Co-author(s) |
Vallejo-Torres Laura and Serrano-Aguilar Pedro (HTA Unit of Canary Islands) |
Employer-Mandated Complementary Health Insurance in France: The likely effects on social welfare |
Speaker |
Pierre Aurelie (Irdes, CESP Inserm, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Jusot Florence (Université Paris-Dauphine, PSL, LEDa-Legos & Irdes) |
The Effect of Organized Breast Cancer Screening on Mammography Use: Evidence from France |
Speaker |
Buchmueller Thomas (University of Michigan, United States) |
Co-author(s) |
Goldzahl Léontine (Université Paris-Dauphine) |
Inequalities in longevity by education in OECD countries: Insights from new OECD estimates |
Speaker |
Murtin Fabrice (OECD, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Mira D'ercole Marco (OECD), Mackenbach Johan (University Medical Center Rotterdam), Domantas Jasilionis (Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research) |
Session |
F6 - Environmental economics II |
Chairman: Ghersi Frédéric (CIRED) |
Room 306 |
titre |
The role of decoupled subsidies in agriculture providing ecosystem services |
Speaker |
Fares Mhand (INRA, SELMET, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Minviel Jean-Joseph ((INRA, SELMET) |
titre |
Sustainability Narrowness |
Speaker |
Dragicevic Arnaud (Istanbul Technical University, Turkey) |
titre |
Fuel poverty in France: affected groups and their sensitivity to energy price fluctuations |
Speaker |
Kahouli Sondès (AMURE-Centre de droit et d'économie de la mer, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Charlier Dorothée (Université de Savoie, IREGE) |
titre |
A macro-micro outlook on fuel poverty in 2035 France |
Speaker |
Ghersi Frédéric (CIRED, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Ricci Olivia (Université de la Réunion) |
Session |
F7 - Contract theory |
Chairman: Loss Frédéric (Université Paris Dauphine, LEDA) |
Room 309 |
titre |
Asymmetric Awareness and Heterogeneous Agents |
Speaker |
Dubus Antoine (Télécom ParisTech, France) |
titre |
Competency Trap, Optimal Contracts and Limited Liability |
Speaker |
Guéron Yves (Seoul National University, South Korea) |
Co-author(s) |
Chapsal Antoine (Sciences Po Paris - Institut d'études politiques de Paris, France) |
The Incentive Power of Employee Ownership through Stock Purchase Plan |
titre |
Speaker |
Dumas Nicolas (Centre de Recherches en Économie et Droit, France) |
titre |
Overwhelming Hazards |
Speaker |
Loss Frédéric (Université Paris Dauphine,LEAD, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Renucci Antoine (Université de Pau, IAE Pau-Bayonne) |
Session |
F8 - Market frictions and economic geography |
Chairma |
Room 310 |
titre |
Regional Equilibrium Unemployment with Agglomeration Effects |
Speaker |
Wilemme Guillaume (Aix-Marseille University, AMSE, France) |
titre |
Frictions in the corporate real-estate market, firms' relocation and employment |
Speaker |
Bergeaud Antonin (Banque de France, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Ray Simon (Banque de France) |
titre |
Transborder Ethnic Kin and Regional Prosperity : Evidence from Night-time Light Intensity in Africa |
Speaker |
Muller Christophe (Aix-Marseille University, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Pecher Pierre (Aix-Marseille University) |
titre |
When Geography Matters for Growth: Market Inefficiencies and Public Policy Implications |
Speaker |
Montmartin Benjamin (Université Côte d'Azur, GREDEG, France) |
Session |
F9 - Joint AFSE-Partner Association FADE: Trust, privacy and social interaction on digital markets and platforms |
Chairman: Torre Dominique, Université Côte d'Azur, GREDEG |
Room 405 |
Can social media lead to labor market discrimination? Evidence from a field experiment |
Speaker |
Pajak Serge (Université Paris-Sud, RITM, France) |
Co-author(s) |
Soulié Nicolas and Manant Matthieu (Université Paris-Sud, RITM) |
Payment Instruments, Financial Privacy and Online Purchases |
Speaker |
Balgobin Yann (Telecom ParisTech, France) |
The geography of crowdfunding revisited |
Speaker |
Dejean Sylvain (université de La Rochelle, CEREGE, France) |