Each year, the AFSE Congress welcome special sessions co-organised with Partner associations.
Our partner association invite their members to submit a paper in a joint AFSE-Partner association session on dedicated or non-dedicated topics.
This year our partner associations are:
Association Charles Gide for the study of economic thought
Contact: Sylvie Rivot, rivot@unistra.fr
The European Neuroeconomics Association (ENA)
Contact: Christian Schmidt, schmidtchristian.fr@gmail.com
The French Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (FAERE)
Contact: Alain Ayong Lekama, aayonglekama@u-paris10.fr
The French Association of Experimental Economics (ASFEE)
Contact: David Masclet, david.masclet@univ-rennes1.fr
The French Cliometric Association (AFC)
Contact: Claude Diebolt, cdiebolt@unistra.fr
Le Collège français des Economistes de la Santé (French Health Economics Association)
Contact: Brigitte Dormont, brigitte.dormont@dauphine.fr et Thomas Barnay, barnay@u-pec.fr
The Association de Science Régionale de Langue Française (ASRDLF)
Contact: Catherine Baumont, catherine.baumont@ubfc.fr Dedicated Topics
The French Economic Association of Law and Economics (AFED)
Contact: Bruno Deffains, bruno.deffains@u-paris2.fr et Samuel Ferey, samuel.ferey@univ-lorraine.fr
The French Association of Energy Economists (FAEE)
Contact: Jean-Eudes Moncomble, moncomble@wec-france.org
The Research networks in International Economics and Finance (RIEF)
Contact: Jérôme Héricourt, jerome.hericourt@univ-lille1.fr
The French Research Association for Digital Economy
Contact: Thierry Penard, thierry.penard@univ-rennes1.fr et Dominique Torre, dominique.torre@unice.fr
The papers must be submitted through the same procedure as all other papers for the AFSE congress (see the submission instructions)