
Call for paper > General call

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Call for papers (french).pdf

Dear all,

The French Economic Association (AFSE) and the Groupe de Recherche en Droit, Economie et Gestion (GREDEG) from Université Côte d’Azur (UCA) and CNRS, invite you to submit a paper to the contributed sessions at the ‘66th Congress of the French Economic Association’ that will take place at the Institute for Economics and Management Studies (ISEM), in Nice, France, from Monday June 19 to Wednesday June 21 2017.

Submitting a Paper

Submissions of full papers are invited from academic, government and business economists in any field of economics. Papers borrowing methodologies from other sciences are very welcome too.

Online submissions will open at noon (GMT+1) January, 6, 2017 and will close at midnight (GMT+1) March 6, 2017.

Note that the submitting author must be a member of the AFSE in order to submit a paper. Details on how to become a member of the AFSE can be found here.

Tagging your paper as a Job Market paper

When submitting their paper, PhD Students have the option of signaling their paper as a “Job Market paper”. Accepted papers will appear with a Tag “Job Market” on the Final Program of the Conference.

Submitting a Paper to Sessions co-organized by our Partner Associations

Each year, the AFSE Congress welcome special sessions co-organised by partner associations: Association Charles Gide for the study of economic thought; the European Neuroeconomics Association (ENA), The French Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (FAERE); the French Association of Experimental Economics (ASFEE), the French Cliometric Association (AFC), the French Health Economics Association, the Association de Science Régionale de Langue Française (ASRDLF), The French Economic Association of Law and Economics (AFED), the French Association of Energy Economists (FAEE), the Research networks in International Economics and Finance (RIEF) and the French Research Association for Digital Economy. The papers must be submitted in the same way as all other papers for the AFSE congress (see above).

Submitting a Poster to the Job Market Poster Session

In addition or alternatively to submitting a paper, PhD students have the option of signaling their interest in presenting their research in a Poster session. Posters will be set up in a central area of the congress site to attract the attention and interest of participants and can be used as a mean to increase PhD Student visibility.


For any question please contact the Local Organization committee at this address:


We are very much looking for your submissions !!

Flora Bellone, chair of the scientific committee
Philippe Aghion, vice-chair of the scientific committee



Submissions: from January 6, 2017 to March 6, 2017

Decisions on acceptance : April 10, 2017

Registration: from April 10, 2017 to May 26, 2017