
Program > Invited Sessions

Invited Sessions Program

Monday, June 19 2:00 – 3:30pm

Invited Session : Complex systems and economics - Amphi 2
Chaired by Nobuyuki Hanaki, UCA, GREDEG

Complex system approaches aim to better understand various socio-economic consequences of interactions among heterogeneous actors. Recently, researchers in this field are increasing incorporating laboratory experiments in their analyses. This session gathers three presentations that demonstrate such recent developments.

Complex Adaptive Economic Systems in the Laboratory
Speaker: Cars Hommes, CeNDEF, University of Amsterdam

Financial Contagion in Networks: A Market Experiment
Speaker: Edoardo Gallo, University of Cambridge

Trading in decentralized markets: experimental and computational results
Speaker: Giulia Iori, City University of London, visiting UCA - GREDEG

Monday, June 19 2:00 – 3:30pm

Invited Session : Cross-fertilization of macro-economic approaches? - Amphi 3
Chaired by Muriel Dal Pont, UCA, GREDEG

Since the last economic crisis, Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (DSGE) models are facing more and more criticisms. The recent developments of Macro-Agents based models (MABM) seems to seriously challenge those models. This session proposes to discuss the nature of their contribution to macroeconomics discussing their methodology, their empirical validity and finally the interest of conceiving hybrid models.

Agent-Based Modeling’s Open Form Methodology: Simulation, Abduction, and Reflexivity
Speaker: John B. Davis, Marquette University and Amsterdam School of Economics

An alternative framework for macroeconomic stabilization policy
Speaker: Jean Bernard Chatelain, Paris School of Economics

The Financial Transmission of Shocks in a Simple Hybrid Macroeconomic Agent Based Model
Speaker: Domenico Delli Gatti, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

Tuesday, June 20 2:15 – 3:45pm

Invited Session : "Gains from Trade revisited" - Amphi 6
Chaired by Mouhoub El Mouhoud, Université Paris Dauphine, LEDa, DIAL

Gains from trade is now the subject of intense and renewed debate. Researchers in the field of international trade try to develop altogether new tools in order to better quantify the complex impacts of globalization on a country welfare. This session gathers three presentations that contributes to this new quantification effort.

"Taks, Trade, and wage inequality"
Speaker: Marc-Andreas Muendler, University of California San Diego, NBER and CESifo,
Co-authors: Sascha O. Becker, University of Warwick Artmut Egger and Michael Koch, University of Bayreuth

"The international elasticity puzzle is worse than you think"
Speaker: Lionel Fontagne, Paris School of Economics and CEPII,
Co-authors: Philippe Martin, Sciences Po and CEPR, Gianluca Orefice, CEPII

"The Gains from Input Trade in Firm-Based Models of Importing"
Speaker: Claire Lelarge, Banque de France,
Co-authors: Joaquin Blaum, Brown University

Wednesday, June 21 1:30 – 3:00pm

Invited session : "Productivity dynamics" - Amphi 2
Chaired by Lionel Nesta, UCA, GREDEG and OFCE

Recent productivity trends, documented both at the macro and micro levels, are questioning our ability to estimating accurately technological progress and/or efficiency gains through our commonly accepted concept of total factor productivity (TFP). They also rise important issues as regard the dynamics of income inequalities across and within countries.

"The Mystery of TFP"
Speaker: Nicholas Oulton, London School of Economics

The Great Divergences: The growing dispersion of wages and productivity in OECD countries
Speaker: Chiara Criscuolo, OCDE,
Co-authors: Giuseppe Berlingieri and Patrick Blanchenay, OCDE

Trend breaks in French productivity : which impact of the crisis?
Speaker: Remy Lecat, Banque de France,
Co-authors: Gilbert Cette, Banque de France, AMSE, Simon Corde, Banque de France