Submission/Registration > How to submit a job market poster ?Download the procedure in PDF format Procedure to submit a Job Market Poster Step 1: Create a Scienceconf account (if you already have one go directly to step 2)
Step 2: Submit a poster
Proceed in four steps:
Step 3: Check the confirmation email and declare your AFSE membership status After having completed your submission on the website, you will receive a confirmation email. Proceed the final step:
If you have submitted your poster without having yet paid your 2017 Membership fees, you will benefit of a delay of 7 days worked to complete the membership process. Being a member of the French Economic Association allows you to have your submission handled first by the scientific committee and to register to the conference at a preferential rate. Also, remember that Participants can both submit a paper for oral presentation and submit a Job Market Poster. Basically, PhD Students and Post-Doc Researchers, who will be on the job market during the academic year 2017-2018, are encouraged to do you to increase their visibility during the Congress. For any question please contact the Local Organizing Committee: afse2017@sciencesconf.org |