
Organizers > Local Organizing Committee

Local Organizing Committee

Flora Bellone, President of the local organizing committee
Patrice Musso, Director of GREDEG
Eric Nasica, Dean of ISEM
Olivier Bruno, Job Market Initiatives
Muriel Dal-Pont, Partner Associations Contact
Richard Arena
Patrice Bougette
Nicolas Brisset
Christophe Charlier
Samira Demaria
Jean-Luc Gaffard
Ankinée Kirakozian
Catherine Laffineur
Guilhem Lecouteux
Sophie Pommet
Alexandra Rufini

Support and Logistics

Agnes Moreau, General Administration GREDEG
Laurence Gervasoni and Catherine Chevance, Conference Organization and Logistics Contacts
Clementine Hassan, Web Site
Sami Sfaxi, Computer Logistics