
Program > Round Tables

Round Tables Program

Monday, June 19 5:45 – 7:15pm

Round Table : Competition and regulation in digital markets (In French) - Amphi 2
Chair : Frederic Marty, CNRS, GREDEG and Thierry Penard, AFSE

Digital markets raise numerous competition related issues. Their technological turbulences and disruptions lead to significant level of market power, often related to multi-sided market structures. In the same time, the rise of digital economy leads to the apparition of new research objects for economists such as the algorithms-based economy, the effects of artificial intelligence, and the role of social networks in information flows.

Nicolas Petit, Université de Liège
Benoît Tabaka, Google
Romain de Nijs, Cabinet de consultant MAPP
Luc Choubert, Amadeus

Tuesday, June 20 2:15 – 3:45pm

Round Table : Accounting Standards, financial regulation and economic behaviours (In French) - Amphi 3
Chair : Olivier Bruno and Samira Demaria, UCA, GREDEG

Financial and insurance industries are highly regulated. The main objectives of this regulation is to ensure transparency and improve financial stability. However, rules, norms and regulatory requirements may be mutually inconsistent and give rise to adverse incentives. The aim of this roundtable is to present an up to date analysis of the impact of financial and accounting regulation after the crisis on international financial flow, and on bank and insurance behavior.

André Cartapanis, Sciences-Po Aix
Pierre-Henri Damotte, Autorité des Normes Comptables
Olivier De Bandt, Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution

Tuesday, June 20 6:00– 7:20pm

Round Table : New challenges for regional development policies (In French) - Amphi 2
Chair : Catherine Baumont, Université de Bourgogne and Flora Bellone, UCA, GREDEG

The current technological change and globalization waves seem to be biased in favor of some areas and in de-favor of others. The resulting increasing economic and social divides between core and peripheral areas raise new challenges for regional development policies and call for designing specific actions at different spatial scales: regions, cities or industrial clusters.

Joachim Oliviera Martins, OECD Regional Development Policy Division
Roberto Camagni, Université Polytechnique de Milan
Jerôme Vicente, Sciences-Po Toulouse, LEREPS

Wednesday, June 21 1:45–3:15pm

Round Table : The challenges of the energy transition (In French) - Amphi 3
Chair : Katheline Schubert, Université Paris 1, PSE

The concept of energy transition refers to the transition from an economy primarily using dirty fossil energies to an economy primarily using clean renewable energies. The transition must be done because of climate change. However, the transition is complex and costly. This round table aims at discussing the economics of transition, that is the conditions under which the transition can indeed takes place, the economic policies which would help it to happen and which should accompany it. The case of Germany, a pioneer country in terms or energy transition will be discussed as well as the case of Asean countries.

Patrick Criqui, GAEL, CNRS
Jean-Eudes Moncomble, Conseil Français de l’Energie
Katheline Schubert, Université Paris 1, PSE
Nikolas Wölfing , ZEW