
Program > Jobs for Economists Sessions

Jobs for Economists Sessions Program

Monday, June 19 2:00 – 3:30pm

Job For Economists Session : Data and economic expertise for business (In French) - Amphi 6 (IAE building)
Chair : Olivier Garnier, Société Générale

The increasing availability of data has considerably change the jobs related to economic expertise for business. This session will present the evolution of these jobs and of the recruiting processes in different professional areas such as banking and insurance, consulting business, ranking agencies.

with the participation of Jean-Michel Six, Chef économiste de Standard & Poor’s, Philippe Février, Chercheur au CREST et Consultant, Mathilde Lemoine, Chef économiste, Groupe Rotschild

Tuesday, June 20 2:15 – 3:45pm

Job for Economists Session : Economic policy and public policy evaluation (In French) - Amphi 6 (IAE building)
Chair : Remy Lecat, Banque de France

This Session will present jobs and recruiting processes in different institutions which are strongly involved in designing economic policy and in performing public policy evaluation exercises.

with the participation of Rodolphe Blavy, bureau du FMI en Europe, Domitille de Buttet and Mathilde Dominiczak, Agence Française de Développement, Audrey Cezard-Assouad and Salvatore Serravalle, Direction générale du Trésor, Philippe Zamora, DARES, Ministère du Travail